Monday, June 8, 2009

Automatically compiling VMWare modules

VMWare does, in general, an excellent job. It runs smoothless on my machine, generally being one of my best work horses. In particular, with VMWare Server coming at no cost.

There's an exception, though: The kernel modules. As usual, the problem doesn't exist on a Windows host (or guest, for that matter), but you've got to know how to deal with it on a Linux host. VMWare depends on a number of kernel modules, for example vmnet.o, which creates the virtual network interfaces. In theory, these modules are delivered as part of the VMWare distribution for a variety of Linux distributions. In practice, I am unaware of any example, where these precompiled modules could been used: I always needed to compile them for myself.

Ok, that's not too much trouble (at least not, if you've been able to obtain the right patch for your system, typically after a lot of Googling), basically all you need to do is to run (on the host) or However, one problem is still left: The procedure of recompiling the modules needs to happen after any Kernel upgrade again.

But here's a solution: An init-script, which is invoked before VMWare starts upon every reboot. The script checks, whether there are modules matching the running kernel. If not, is invoked with the necessary options for batch mode.

To install it, download the script here. Store it as /etc/init.d/vmware-kernel-modules. On Fedora-Linux, create the necessary links by running /sbin/chkconfig --add vmware-kernel-modules. On other distributions, this must be done manually.

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